Advantek Engineering Inc. has an extensive list of customers in many industries from Fortune 500 to defense to research and development to small startup businesses.
The confidentiality of our customers, the sensitivity of the products they produce, and the technologies they use is fundamental to their success and continued profitability and is therefore not shared by us publically to prevent the identification by their competitors of our proprietary systems that our customers use.
Therefore, to protect the confidentiality and proprietary work of our customers and the industries they serve, we do not publish a customer list online.
We do provide extensive customer reference lists to new prospective buyers upon request; only after approval from our existing customers to maintain their confidentiality and reduce discovery of proprietary information. Because of the proprietary nature of our designs,
Advantek Engineering Inc. has also been awarded many large Sole Source solicitation contracts as a government supplier; further solidifying our chief goal to provide unique and creative engineering solutions without compromise.
A simple web search will yield public information on sole source contracts such as click here as well as collaborative research grants and technical publications in which we have been involved.